Shawna on TV

Shawna Coronado’s Television Appearances

With organic living and wellness as the focus, I have been featured on dozens of news, information and shopping programs across the United States. I really enjoy appearing on television – it’s fun – and truly taps into all that energy I have to share.

Below is a sampling of my appearances from various programs.

Shawna Coronado’s Television Appearances on PBS

I loved working with PBS television – both Joe Lamp’l from Growing a Greener World and P. Allen Smith from P. Allen Smith’s Garden to Table featured my garden on their PBS television shows. Below are snippets from the episodes which primarily feature my front lawn vegetable garden in Illinois.

FOX News

Shawna Coronado’s Television Appearances on Gardening with Good Day

One of the super-fun projects I have worked on has been as the FOX News Chicago gardening expert for Gardening with Good Day every other Monday all through a summer season. We filmed mostly at my Illinois home garden. Watch episodes below.

How to Add Organic Fertilizers to Your Soil —

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away in the Garden —

How to Mulch a Tree —

How to Grow a Living Wall —

How to Harvest Vegetables and Share at the Food Pantry —

How to Prune a Shrub —

3 Great Garden Vegetables to Grow in Shade —

How to Plant a Tomato in a Trench —

How to Prep Soil for Organic Till-Free Gardening —